Drop-off policyIt is strongly recommended that a player's parent or guardian be present during all AYSO games and practices. If that is not possible, parents or guardians are required to inform the coach beforehand, preferably by email.
They must inform the coach:
- Who will be bringing their child.
- Who will be picking up their child.
- Who is responsible and should be contacted in case of injury or emergency during the game or practice.
- Contact numbers for all responsible persons who must be included.
When arriving at practices or games, parents must not drop off players at fields without contacting the coach. This means the person responsible for your child must walk them to the coach.
Pets on AYSO fields
AYSO soccer is a family event and because may people consider their pets to be members of the family, they're inclined to bring them along to our fields for either practices or games.
It is important to remember that for safety reasons,
pets are not allowed on AYSO fields.
Our goal is to make the soccer season as safe as possible and that's why we request that Region 112 participants leave their family pets at home. In regard to the question of service animals being allowed on AYSO fields: a review of legal opinin and other similar issues confirms that AYSO is obligated to observe and respect existing regulations and laws regarding the presence of service animals, as declared by the animal's owner, at our fields. In California and under federal guidelines, public places are not required to admit emotional support animals even when they are required to do so for service animals, and there for are not permitted on AYSO fields.
AYSO will not request or inspect paperwork certifying the status of the service animal. We thank you for your support.